Apr 18, 2015 13:54
feeling really under the weather. battling with a long persistent cough that just refuses to go away, and the general heat isn't helping at all. couple that with PMS-y feels and at certain times in the day, i feel like the greatest loser in the whole damn world. dramatic? yeah you bet. my dying curls and extremely thick ends are also irritating the hell out of me, not even sure if i can wait it out another seven weeks for Tokyo just so that i can use the bonus 1000 points in my hotpepper beauty account. urgh.
and it's the worst feeling in the whole world, to spend a whole afternoon shopping around just really wanting to spend money and yet find NOTHING worthwhile to buy. spotted this leopard-print bodybag that i really liked, plus i don't have a bodybag and it's great for light-travelling and guarding against pickpockets/bag-slashers. but a quick check on Rakuten, the same bag cost less than half the price in SG! though the problem is the stock availability in Japan as it's a pretty old design, but still i couldn't live with the fact that i'd be paying double the price for nothing. in the end i bought a fair bit of cream puffs and cake, and promptly regret all the additional calories i'm putting into my body as i poke my flabby tummy. despite all the exercises i pull every week, my tummy just refuses to flatten. and i end up feeling even worse about myself. double urgh.
so yes, i am feeling completely what it feels to be a poor, rich kid. and i am self-made rich, not daddy-rich.
pay day is coming up right after the weekend, and my credit card bill last month didn't even cross three digits. triple urgh?