I went for a run! Japanese exchange students. New rabbit. Oktoberfest. Etc.

Oct 14, 2014 20:45

It's been definitely weeks, maybe even a month. I'm not sure; I'd have to go check. In any event, I was good and got my butt outside. It was a bit brisk, but got to see the pretty leaves turning colors, a pretty cool orange-ish sunset, and I even made it back before dark. Whoot. Go me.

Oh, and I even managed around a 9.5 min/mi pace on top of that, AND picked up the pace each mile. SWEET.

Mile #1: 9.46.58
Mile #2: 9.37.94
Mile #3: 9.21.93
Total: 28.46.45

In other news, I have been busy. Fall Student-Led Conferences (SLCs) were last week, which meant I had an early out day M/Th, and 6:55AM-7:30PM days T/W. Friday thankfully was a PRAD Day, so that was fairly chill.

I caught the thing that was going around some weeks ago, and it was a booger - I kept it for some weeks, too. I THINK I'm over it now, but I've also been admittedly still been enjoying beers (they're pumpkin-y this time of year) and now that I've resumed allergy shots it's hard to tell, as those things I'm pretty sure contribute to constant drainage. Oh, and farts. Oh yay. Ungh.

Managed to get the Japanese students homestay program all set up successfully after all, huzzah! They'll be here through the end of the month. Rocky start, but did it. AND, I'll be able to pay back the principal after all for the field trip we did last spring. Whoo-hoo!

A coupla weeks ago apparently a stop light camera caught me, and the city mailed me a ticket for something exorbitant like $200+. Turns out I was the third car in a row to "run" it. Once I went to the station and finally got to see the video, I think I understood why - the sun was at a TERRIBLE angle that none of us could see. Tonight on my way home I also noticed that the camera only picked up THAT light, and not the light to the right that has the green arrow. Court date is Jan 15th. Lame, but hoping they'll at least reduce it to something reasonable, cos that's just bull.

One or two weekends ago The Fiancée and I went to the local Oktoberfest. (...I DID update how we got engaged, right? Cripes; I cannot remember. Heh.) She got decked out in her traditional German busty attire. She got some great reactions. My favorite was the first one, from a girl (TF thinks she was drunk), as she kept stealing glances when TF caught her. "Nice tits!" Followed by a motorboat face. We were laughing about that for a while, haha. TF's favorite was some guy who was going by and just looked once and commented, "Now that's how it's done." It was pretty fun. She also got her special gingerbread cookie so she was happy. I'm glad we went and got out of the apartment for a bit, even though we had both been feeling kinda blah.

We have a new rabbit. His name is Gimli and he is super cute, with what we refer to as his cute puppy bunny paws. (Seriously, dude has huge feet.) We got him a little over a week ago, after having waited a week since we put down The Bun. RIP, Bunny. :( She had been sick for quite a long time, had a nasty abscess that was leaky, and was just not well. Decided to do the humane thing. It was hard, but we were able to console ourselves knowing that she was finally no longer in pain. We got to be there petting her as she left, which was good cos I wasn't about to hand her off, say goodbye, and let her last moments be scared with strangers handling her all weird-like. I wrapped/tucked her in in her (by that point, admittedly grody) bun towel before we left. It was really hard to deal with. Dammit; now I'm crying just remembering and typing all this out... On the plus side the vet has an option for $20 to get a paw print with the name of the pet, so that was nice. It's hard shaped and clay; we hung it in the cage until we got Gimli.

The Gimster is about 6 mos old, also an American Chinchilla breed (from the same breeder, who's super nice) and we think he broke his foot - he's got this weird bony type lump in an odd place, plus his foot's kinda crooked. He's too light to show and do well anyway, so it doesn't matter. We love our Dudester. He's recently finally figured out that he can hop out of his cage when the door's open, and his favorite thing seems to be climbing up our chests to sit on top of the couch. He's a pretty chill, mellow guy, and he doesn't mind cuddling too much either, which is a big plus as Bun was not a particular fan. We don't think he's even peed outside of the cage yet either, though it kinda smells like maybe he did on the couch, but we could never locate a wet spot which was odd. Anyhow, he's a cool dude and it's nice having a (healthy) pet rabbit again. We should probably get him fixed, but for how we're both still dealing with the previous expenses for Bun's meds and finally putting her down, plus our own medical bills. That I recently spent about $200 on a Halloween costume (Kakashi-sensei; yeah, that's right - my students are gonna FLIP, haha) probably isn't helping either, but...

Anyway, that's about it for however long it's been. Tired now. Need to go drain the hard-boiled eggs. Tomorrow I'm helping proctor the PSAT. Hope you're all doing well. I miss chatting with those of you who used to post. 'Night.

happy thoughts, mile splits

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