Realized I forgot to record my splits for Tuesday & Thursday.
Tuesday it rained, but magically stopped in time for me to go on a run after all, so yay! Due to the rain I had to stay off the grass/moss though (which I think might usually slow me down a bit). Oh, and if I forgot to write about it last time, last Sunday's run was interrupted by a train, haha. I guess it was nice having a slight pause though, cos it still seemed like I made good time. Anyway:
Mile #1: 9.19.90
Mile #2: 9.13.76
Mile #3: 9.20.97
Total: 27.54.63
Mile #1: 9.29.65
Mile #2: 9.40.53
Mile #3: 9.25.22
Total 28.35.44
Not bad! I also managed to complete my 8th week of hitting the gym on M/W/F since I started over the summer (not exactly consecutive though due to the couple weeks I was out due to surgery, but go me for getting right back into it as soon as I could!) I'm trying to remember when I started including running on T/Th/Su. I think it may have been the last week of summer break. Anyway, I've included the runs since then as well. Truth be told I did postpone my Friday gym workout this Friday (for the first time ever; I've been giving myself typically Saturdays off, though I figure a little wiggle room now and again is fine), as it was the
Yankee Candle Co.'s Friends and Family/Employee Discount Sale.
I've been there enough now that they recognize me and someone told me about it two trips ago so I made sure to go in, haha. Good sales! Buy at least six jar candles (of any size) and get each 60% off; 50% off all other candles when buying fewer than six (yay Sampler votives!), AND 30% off accessories. So what would've usually been a purchase total of over $160 went to only ~$75. I am awesome. :D Got a couple more large jar candles that are officially retired, like Autumn Lodge which smells similar to Mountain Lodge but instead of leathery is more pipe tobacco-y; another Autumn Woods; two of the three autumn swirls (not the one that includes November Rain as The GF [which now stands for "Girl Fiancée"]); a medium Candy Corn for her; the Autumn Trio; a couple more Samplers; and a jack-o-lantern themed jar topper. I realized the other day in my car that I now have a favorite store that isn't a supermarket, and Yankee Candle Co. is it. ^_^ I really like their stuff.
Anyhow, lots to do today:
*trim nails x2
*trim facial hair
*start using new planner
*record splits in LJ
*fold & put away laundry
*attend to starred emails
*hardboil eggs
*take out recycling
*take leftovers from Friday night for lunch
*check on fantasy football w/The GF
*play Dominion (possibly) w/The GF
...and I still haven't even had breakfast yet!
Bellevue's annual Aki Matsuri is also happening this weekend, but not planning on going this year. Yesterday it was quite nice to do laundry, play FF9, and do rather little of anything else, haha.
Hope you're all doing well! Love to all.