Can't Resist You, Oh No

Jun 22, 2008 07:27

Movies yesterday with Toni. Watched Urduja, (apparently) the first, full-length Filipino animated film. LOL IT GAVE ME GOOSEBUMPS whenever they sang or during those corny corny emo/love moments.

But the music was really nice. o,o

Also met with Tiffany, Cza, X, Janine, Pau, Faye and Coco there. Theeen we had a pictorial. Haha. These girls are so vain.. and they wanted me in every pic, so... okay xD; At one point, we were eating in chow-king, then went to the arcade for some karaoke and airhockey~ xD Then.. we had to go clothes shopping. screw prom dresses

They're talking about what the prom's theme will be. Either Winter Wonderland or Glamrock. DUUUUDE GLAMROCK PLS. But it's so lame since black isn't allowed. Any bit of black on your dress isn't allowed. :|

I've also tried going around the mall to see if any tattoo/piercing parlors offer stretching/gauging. I want mine stretched more.. But the guy from the only store that (I think) offered it said it'd be painful (that's a given, though) and expensive. No money at the time XD

He also said that my piercings were actually big already. NOO IT'S NOT BIG ENOUGH woo. SO. I'll be stretching them myself for a little bit, until I get more courage/money to do it professionaly. xD

Got home about 6-7 hours later, with purchases~

Tried Innocent Life (futuristic Harvest Moon woo) first, until it was dinner time, and enigmartin41 came home with his PSP. I spent the evening playing Patapon (god so weird and I failed XD) and LocoRoco (this was hilarious. And really really adorable. And since I have a tendency to tilt the PSP-as if it'd help his movements--the famiglia was laughin' at me). Cute cute.

Anyway, last few things.
I've had dreams lately of people calling me pretty (I wake up feeling like God that day), and a Gensomaden Saiyuki crossover with "Creep". Wth is "Creep"? But it was.. interesting? o,o idk

AND It's sad that LJ blocks nearly everything from the Saiyuki comm for me just because I'm not old enough :( ♥ Saiyuki.. Hakkai apparently only loved himself.

busy, saiyuki, shooooopping!, gigs, games, geek, asdfghjklolcapslock, fuuuuuun, prom, friends, harvest moon, eeeew girly, wild arms, as a host sister

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