
Sep 06, 2010 21:58

Earlier, I was asking around for signatures for a pledge-system charity that'll help send an impoverished child to school. And then, after a few encounters, it hit me - hard in the face - that there are actually people in the world who do not believe in helping society. As in, flat out, dislike.

I understand the views of some when it comes to monetary assistance, charity, that could probably lead to a poor person getting used to being given the money rather than working for it. I really, really do understand it. But that wasn't even his reason.

His reason was that sponsoring the kid's education will amount to nothing. The kid will grow up and not apply what he learned, breed more street kids who then will need "sponsoring", rinse repeat.

I mean, Idk. His opinion is his. I was...discouraged by it, but what mattered more to me was the fact that there are actually people who think that badly of others. People who genuinely criticize the less fortunate as a group who will never ever in their lives amount to anything. It really baffles me.

Perhaps it's because he just doesn't want to be bothered donating money every month. But then again, perhaps he REALLY, FROM THE BOTTOM OF HIS HEART, feels that there is no hope for society. That street children should remain street children, because any attempt at changing that is futile.

It's almost so, so offending. Just. Wow. Okay.
People were right when they said you meet all sorts in college.

But whatever dude, I got more than enough people who're willing. You can burn in hell. :(

college, the world is full of assholes

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