no kidding my head srsly hurts. stupid weather.

Jul 15, 2010 20:59

13. Character you’d go camping with

Fun shit. Can you imagine? Besides talking about boys all night long.
The rest of the meme~


Today, in general, really wasn't a very good day. The crying and panic has indeed started already, but none of it has been about math so far. Just, an argument with dad, insecurities, general frustration. And this morning, a dead car battery cockblocking a 7AM Biotech LT. Extreeeemely bad.

I just. I dunno. I cry easily when I'm frustrated. It's different from being sad or angry.
But luckily, I have friends I can talk to. I do feel like I'm imposing too much, but, what good would it do to suppress it? I'm the chatty type. (Thank you Jimmy and Ram. ♥)

For some reason, I talked a lot about dreams today.
Apparently, some of my blockmates (Rainier and Mikh) really had a passion for art, but chose ME for practicality/a challenge, just like me. And it's...nice, knowing that people in the same boat as you, dream of the same island, too. Weird analogy haha but that's all I can think of. HUMOR ME.

In other news. RARRRRRRRRRRR
GONNA PASS LT2 (lord i just need 35 more points plsplspls help me understand this lesson)
GONNA PARTY IN EUROPE (save the date, August 2012 to January 2013)

sob my head hurtsss. and so do my legs from fencing. lunges = knee killer.

love, college, ateneo, stupid mental health is stupid, stupid physical health is stupid, asdfghjklolcapslock, dreams, asdfghjkl, friends, block t-tigas!

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