what could have been a few thousand entries ★

Jul 15, 2010 05:02

  • 17:06 Typhoon Basyang, YOU FUCKING SUCK. /face of extreme anger appropriately and sufficiently portrayed only by any emoticon not yet invented. #
  • 17:15 Gotta fucking punch something. But first, study for Biotech. >:| #
  • 17:42 @ themartinio Meron na. #
  • 17:46 @ ichigowaffles It iiiiis?! Sweet. #
  • 17:48 @ ichigowaffles I totally forgot, haha #
  • 17:49 Bonne fête, France. ♥ #
  • 17:52 @ ichigowaffles LOL SORRY. xD But I haven't seen that pic either. So happy he's drawing more Spain. Even if it's for marketing purposes =)))) #
  • 18:44 (literally) 200 slides later, and I'm only 70% done. Boo. :| #
  • 19:07 26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l5ifkxHJUw1qzixc2o1_250.gif That kick by the Dutch is only funny hindsight. |D #
  • 19:19 bit.ly/2EmTNN this and everything about this. /so much of this/ // ps. @HaiTori some Sex Fabregas for your time. bit.ly/bFlDCp #
  • 19:31 "I'm a lover, not a fighter. So when I do have to fight, I strike for the erogenous zones." #
  • 20:40 My god. Just a day without checking Tumblr, abour 80 pages have accumulated. ...Why is Nando so rebloggable. Sorry Lui. He just is. #
  • 21:16 TWEET #3333 ES PARA SEÑOR FERNANDO JOSÉ TORRES SANZ, también conocido como "El Niño" o "Dat Ass". i29.tinypic.com/2m2akx4.jpg C: ♥ #
  • 22:23 Too many things on my mind. :( I'll go now. Bye Twitter. #
  • 22:42 The crying and panic has started. Haha. #
  • 22:48 @ kalalamille Math and tutor and ME and my dad. Always my dad. #
  • 22:54 @ kalalamille >:(< #

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