what could have been a few thousand entries ★

Jun 20, 2010 05:00

  • 10:05 SOBS TEUKIE. What a thing to see first thing in the morning. Go! Go on a date with him nowww!! Sleep overs until July 5. :( #
  • 10:10 WAIT WHAT IS THIS /watches Drrr!! #
  • 10:26 Oh and guess what. Surprisingly, my everything does not hurt today! Not as much as nung Prepcourse or Orsem, at least. #
  • 10:34 I knew it. /amazing ( ´ー`)/ #
  • 10:36 "Why are you walking around like this?!" "'Why? 'Cause I can." Sir, I love you. #
  • 10:54 OH! OH MY GOD #
  • 11:15 WELP that was a great episode. And I want to play P4 again. And. Bah. ...I'll do my math homework. Sometime before dinner. |D I promiseee. #
  • 11:24 @ Zatzz Totes. B) #
  • 11:25 @ Zatzz Baw but I want a happy ending. Can the kids just become normal highschoolers? |D #
  • 11:33 bit.ly/aKWyFM :< Both trying not to cry. I'm apathetic to Kangin leaving by now, but my Kangteuk. T_T #
  • 11:38 Watching Heechul dance to NU ABO on YS. Crazy bitch. :)) #
  • 12:09 U-KISS two days ago, B2ST today, then One Way is coming? Geez. |D #
  • 12:26 ...I asked my parents to vote for Ping Lacson in 1998 because I thought he was good looking at the time... #
  • 12:28 I was a shallow 6-year old back then, ok. // When is lunch so I can go offline and lock myself in my room and force myself to study Math. :| #
  • 12:40 Temporary pic change, because Heechul (you'll be back T_T) didn't match the theme. |D This doesn't match it, either, but it's still Taemin~~ #
  • 12:43 ...My god, everyone's making me envious. WHO WANTS TO WATCH TS3 WITH ME :D #<
  • 12:44 @ Zatzz Super! I hope Shizuo shows up to beat everyone up. #
  • 12:55 @ toniestipona Mine aren't. :( Pano mo ginawa? #
  • 13:00 Lmao Spanish referees. Bitter much? // Must go offline. MUST STUDY. Must understand. Not understanding makes me extremely unhappy. Bbl! #
  • 14:40 cries math. why do i have to prove everything to you? we've always had a good relationship. i need you. stop making things so difficult. ㅠㅠ #
  • 14:40 but be proud of me. did 2/3 of my hw! ...by illegal means, but my answers still make sense and are prolly right. the other, i ju
    st can't do. #
  • 15:19 Ram is scandalized that I don't remember much of Toy Story's plot. Iba-iba naman kada movie diba? And it was 11 years ago!! D| #
  • 15:19 @ kalalamille Nottt. I just...tried to answer some of the questions by myself. At least you watched TS3 na =)) #
  • 15:26 bit.ly/cJQpRX "ROFL THIS LOOKS RIDICULOUS. And it's actually next to the house that belongs to our England-sim. Pfbbt." kdfjksdfLMFAO #

  • 15:37 I'll just... go offline now. To save myself any further disappointment. /:) // Sealand was still cool, though... bbl Twitter. #
  • 15:44 But leave on a happy note! bit.ly/cdPzPP AHAHAHAKLDSJFLDS idk why this makes me laugh so much. Siwon, teach Yong Hwa your manliness. #
  • 15:47 & another one, excuse me bit.ly/cQ9Tmm PBBBBBT "body and face do not equalize." whyyy teukie #
  • 16:42 @ ichigowaffles HE IS ABSOLUTELY LOVEABLE, ISN'T HE. :>:> And yeahhh, it's always a cliffhanger. I wonder if it can all be resolved in an ep. #
  • 16:45 Dad and I got too lazy to go grocery shopping. We'll watch TS3 in 3D later instead! I wonder if it would be better without 3D, though. :-? #
  • 17:02 Awriight, pic of a decapitated body on FB. :| I'm...not as grossed out as I was with the rotten thumb (SDFKDJS MENTAL IMAGES) but still. Ew. #
  • 17:09 And she wiiiiiiill be loooooved~ ♫ #
  • 17:13 Ok, gonna watch TS3 now with dad because I can't wait any longer. >:| Will be back before 11 or whatever to Skype with sis. :D Bbl! #
  • 21:16 watched Toy Story 3. I AM SO FLIPPING SAD IDK WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF. even until now im trying not to cry 'cause i did already @
    the theater #
  • 21:18 1) grew up with toy story & it's OVER i assume, please don't continue it, it's beautiful as it is, & 2) THIS IS SO MY LIFE. /RELATES TO SFM. #
  • 21:20 @ kalalamille SO SAD. T_T I LOVE IT BUT HATE IT BECAUSE IT'S JUST... so our lives. I think this movie is better understood by people our age. #
  • 21:29 oh my god you guys fffff. my brain is just like, "am i growing up, fuck, i don't want to let my childhood go. ...but i think i already did." #
  • 21:31 @ ichigowaffles DID YOU JUST WATCH. I DID TOO. BAAAAWL #
  • 21:40 Parang biglang... gusto ko ulit maging bata. :( Lahat tayo. Miss ko na kayooo, friends, omggg bakit ako napapaisip sa childen's movie. #
  • 21:42 @ miaestipona Kyuhyun is gorgeous, no need to hide it. #
  • 21:48 @ ichigowaffles & I think it's totally appropriate. Little kids will have fun, but big ole kids starting college like me are totally emo-ing. #
  • 22:08 ...suddenly back to math. fffuu-- waiting for skype session with sis. #
  • 22:17 HOMEWORK IS ~LA FINI~ (or is it le fini? idk i suck at
    french) Got stuck half-way. Thank you @kalalamille! I'm...getting the hang of it...! #
  • 22:43 Drrr!! OP playing in my head? // I'm fine now so I dnw to make an LJ entry about how TS3 made me sad, but srsly. Can I be a child again? :< #
  • 23:03 Oh, Skype, lmao. Right. /spamming Moon with Taemin and Ikea and why don't we have Ikea here? :< #
  • 23:09 It'll amuse me forever to hear about what people think of my crushes. They're all pretty boys. :)) 'Cept Enrique Iglesias @-) He's a maaaan. #
  • 23:12 @ annakaterina Enrique Iglesias? IS SO A MAN, C'MON. He's... pretty, for a man, but he's not a pretty boy. 8| :)) Enrique has facial hair. #
  • 23:14 "nah, i'm after men now" sdjfhsdg Moony, I never thought I'd see the day. YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A SEXUALITY!!! YOUR BEST FRIEND IS PROUD OF YOU. #
  • 23:20 The things college do to people. GIRL I'M LAUGHING SO HARD. "Sexual Preference: Alexander Skarsgard. Or men with Swedish accents in general" #
  • 23:27 jfksdfsdkf i can't skype with all this chatting. #
  • 00:39 Ah, my eyes hurt. Going to gramma's tomorrow. :|
    Noight, Twitter~ #

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