what could have been a few thousand entries ★

Apr 30, 2010 12:03

  • 14:53 "圭贤和我是一伙的!!!!哈哈哈" They're a team at not replying to UFOs maybe? xD Obviously he misses the little turtle~ #
  • 14:55 I am not going to read all these Geng rumors. No. I refuse to be depressed. :( Thankfully 90% of them is in Chinese. :D #
  • 14:55 btw How To Train Your Dragon was so adorbs D: #
  • 15:09 I'm sleepy. |3 Siesta sounds good right about now. // @ichigowaffles, re:weather I know right? orz; #
  • 15:31 @ donghae861015 twitpic.com/1jb6by - Aww!! Favorite hyung~ #
  • 15:33 I'm a visual person. I like my visuals. Bad visuals = everything automatically bad. Better off having no visuals at all so I can't complain. #
  • 15:34 Naptiems now fo realz. :D #
  • 20:56 IT'S SO COLD x) #
  • 20:58 But oops, slept too long. Missed youngstreet. :u #
  • 20:59 Whee thunder storm~ did I sleep through most of it? #
  • 21:07 I'm in such a good mood kjdfkd /sets up Skype #
  • 22:33 Emo nga talaga si @datingmundo :&
    gt; #
  • 22:35 @ datingmundo Same. :-" pero chillax lang. =)) #
  • 22:37 #dearsomeone, I wonder if you know how hard I'm trying to impress you. <3 #
  • 22:39 Oh my shisus I thought he was shirtless #
  • 22:48 !!!! @ miaestipona: SooHyun wants to meet a Filipina girl. He wants a Filipina to be his girlfriend. #ukissfacts =)) #
  • 22:56 @ MiaEstipona =)) I don't know them at all, naalala lang kita. :)) #
  • 00:01 Whoop, happy birthday dad. #
  • 02:01 Jsyk @evaporate, I enjoy your near-every-day spazzing. It's educational. #
  • 02:07 omg i'm so hungry. is 2am too early for breakfast #
  • 02:27 오모!!! @ special1004!!! thank you, i love you @ShinsFriends ♥ ♥ ♥ #
  • 02:40 @ Heedictator 굿나잇! ♥ #
  • 02:42 @ twelfs As usual, Donghae insisted he make an account.
    :) #
  • 02:48 @ special1004 안녕하세요 Suju leader! #weloveleeteuk #
  • 02:51 @ special1004 twitpic.com/1jfo3a - Leader's learning~ Great picture! #
  • 02:56 @ special1004 #weloveleeteuk! #
  • 03:48 "Where do you want to study abroad?" "Oh, Disneyworld." #
  • 05:01 Sleeping schedule ruined so easily, lol. #
  • 06:39 Why is this really adorable to me. SUCH AN OLD MAN. ㅋㅋㅋ RT @special1004: {TRANS} @henrylau89 ㅋㅋHenry it's hyung ㅋㅋㅋ #
  • 06:44 the old man wants attention, guys. as leader, he expects the most followers. ㅋㅋㅋ RT @special1004: spread!!!소문 많이 내주세요!!퐐로~~퐐롸하자구욤!!!^^ #
  • 06:45 Hetalia episode 60 and 61 are gonna be the best EVER okay #
  • 06:46 and now i go to lie awake in bed, complaining about the heat until i get tired. maybe write. bye twitter :D/ #

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