You're the crutch of a cripple

Oct 04, 2009 18:48

I hate it when LJ eats up my stuff. D8 I don't mind entries, because I always type them on Notepad first and can just copy/pasta, but MOOD THEMES. RAWRRR.

I was changing my mood theme to GazE and was all giggly and whatever until LJ decided to be a douche. D|

S-so discouraging... ._.

On the other hand: School starts tomorrow, I don't remember any assignments/lessons, there're 20 days left before the Olympiad qualifier, and I can't even explain how awful she's making me feel. Ugh.

BUT HEY 3 DAYS LEFT 'TIL BEFORE I DECAY! :D /happy dance. Oh and...

Lol, is it really that obvious what my favorite body part is? D:

raaaage, hnnnnnngh, the gazette, hoshit--hot men, math olympiad, what is this fuckery?, asdfghjklolcapslock, uruha, lol, blegh, eljay, yaaaay~ :d, music releases!!, school

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