The Crying Fields

Sep 08, 2009 20:17

I won't talk about today because it was crummy as hell, but this meme (yoinked from x_okuribi) made me feel better like, instantly. XD

Hover over the pics to get names!

[01] Who was your first JRock band?

[02] Who is the latest JRock band you've discovered?

[03] Who's your favorite JRock Band?

[04] 5 other JRock bands you listen to?

[05] Are you a fangirl/boy?
Occasionally, yes. :3

[06] If yes, of who?
Mostly GazE, or LM.C. Haha.

[07] What's the first JRock song you heard?
I forget the title, I just know it was by Laruku. Heart Of Sword, maybe? XD

[08] What's the latest JRock song you heard/downloaded?
Uhh. The latest I listened to was THE INVISIBLE WALL [the GazettE]. Latest download, was the album SWEET SWITCH [Megamasso].

[09] Name one JRock song that has a special meaning to you?
Ah...just one? xD Maybe FANTASY [alice nine.]

[10] And, why?
I listened to Arisu nearly the whole time while I was in Japan. So, listening to Arisu now, just makes me recall everything I felt back then. And it's great. :)

[11] Name 3 JRock songs you currently cannot stop listening to?
紅蓮 (Guren) [the GazettE]
13STAIRS[-]1 [the GazettE]

[12] Do you buy JRock magazines?
When I can.

[13] If yes, which is your favourite?
YOU'RE MAKING ME PICK D: But okay let's see~ probably Arena37C, Neo Genesis, Shoxx and Shockwave.

[14] Have you ever been to any JRock concerts?

[15] If yes, which? If no, who would you like to see?
Alice nine.

[16] Which JRocker are you most in love/lust with?
What a stupid question. :o

[17] Name 3 JRockers you would like to meet in person?
ALL OF THEM sdkfjdk. Argh, only 3? Fine, so aside from the guy in #16:

[18]What would you like to say to the 3 JRockers you have chosen?
@ Ruki - "ADSKGHADKFJG HI" (of course, I kid, but this is definitely what'd be going on in my mind if I were to meet him)
@ Miyavi - "Your wife's hot. D: Oh, and I think your kid should be named Meevlet. Your kid will win at everything ever invented."
@ Maya - "Can I have some of your lollipop? :9"

[19] Do you have any JRocker as your desktop bg?
I do, haha. It's Uru.

[20] Do you have any JRocker poster up your wall?
I don't. But I do have a GazE poster that is too precious to unroll more than once. xD;

[21] What is your latest JRock CD/DVD?
CD - prison_gates bought me DISTRESS AND COMA, the GazettE single :)
DVD - Repeated Countless Error, the GazettE STACKED RUBBISH tour Final @ Yoyogi

[22] How many JRock MP3s do you have?
...I'm not counting.

[23] Do you read JRock fanfic?
As much as I can, sir.

[24] What is your favourite JRock-related dream?
....I'm sure I've had at least one, but I can't seem to remember what it was. /is bad at remembering dreams.

[25]If you could marry a JRocker, who would it be?
Yet enother stupid question.

[26] Last Confession: if you could sleep with any three Jrockers, who would they be?

Orgy tiem.

l'arc~en~ciel, love, the gazette, 12012, hoshit--hot men, jrock, music, megamasso, miyavi, uruha, kra, sug, yaaaay~ :d, lm.c

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