Cross Me Off Your List

Sep 07, 2009 18:01

Wow, near-complete LJ revamp. xD

bent_cigarettes bent_cigarettes bent_cigarettes bent_cigarettes
Rofl, I miss my gay flowers already.
Also changed my sticky post. Made the rules simpler, shorter, but snobbier-sounding. Haha.

Secondly, account downgrade.
I switched to basic because the layout looks better without ads. But my icons. ;~; And my custom comment pages. ;~; So I might upgrade again (even if I already deleted icons :|). Eh. I want a paid account. ;~;

click click click click

Btw seatalia, I didn't notice that there wasn't a Sealand in the sprites. |D;; So I made you Italy. But if you wanna change, just let me know. :3

Might change other stuff later. xD I was rushing because I didn't want to spend the whole day coding again. Poop.

In unrelated news, I want to start a Sims2 legacy~~~ did I say that already? Rofl. But I don't want to do the challenge itself--having to tally points make it hard. But anyway. Hmm. I'm trying to think of a good founder. While collecting enough CC for 10 generations. |3;;

AND. WTF. The dog that I thought was male for like, more than a year, suddenly gave birth. o-o;

eljay, lol, html, yaaaay~ :d, dog, css

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