"I can sense you are my DENSITY"

Mar 15, 2009 05:03

Haha. I guess I died for a few days, huh.

Uhm.. yesterday/now.
- Gramma Z's birthday party took up my whole day, so I didn't get to go to class.
- Playing Speed Stacks with the twins like, 50% of the time. Fuck yeah 17 seconds. *geek*
- Staying up because free internet's from 12MN-6AM.
- Watched The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button on enigmartin41's iPod, to pass the time. BRAD PITT HNNNNNGHHH It was pretty awesome.
- Spent the rest of the night playing Pet Society on Facebook. Named my pet DONGLE. Because I can.
- Played with other apps too. That is like, the most time I've spent on FB since I registered.
- Watching The Big Bang Theory season 1 while waiting for my GazE videos to download.
- Being eaten alive by... invisible mosquitoes.

So yeah. Mind's kind of blank, not feeling too awesome. I just..really don't want to work or think anymore. Eheh.

seriously though, brad, i wanna have all 239083 of your babies

party, hnnnnnngh, movies, hoshit--hot men, games, family, sleep is for chumps, tv ate mah brainz, stupid physical health is stupid, asdfghjklolcapslock, blegh, i'm a retard

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