(no subject)

Oct 11, 2008 20:50

I went off early last night, but stayed up until 1 because I was watching/helping enigmartin41 with Guitar Hero. Srsly, why won't my completed file read? (/)_(\ )

Anyway, morning, idk. Hell. Haha. ¬_¬ It was hell, I mean. Sorry, I feel more like looking out a window than talking. EMO SHIT LIKE THAT because yuuuuck, I hate feeling anything now. Haha! Feelings suck☆ and the world sucks, generally

But whatever! \(゜□゜)/

Went with windblownglass to UP today. Yay, something to spend 4 hours on, which would have been otherwise wasted had I stayed home~ (´┏_┓`) We both managed to show up in heels. But mine were gold-studded leather and noisier against the floor, so sorry Kacha, I won (・∀・)ニヤニヤ

*In Other News* Duuuuuuuuuude ( ` 3´)ぶー
Some guys are just so cute without trying, I want to smother them♪

Tomorrow will be spent writing and artsing. Yes, yes. Parentals won't be back til Tuesday, so I can laze around. But I think I'll be going to a movie with enigmartin41, too... hmm... either way.

Tonight is translating and playing .hack//INFECTION. I'm about an hour or so in, and it's... weird. (._. ;) Both English and Japanese voice acting makes me cringe. xD *is too used to the AWESOMENESS THAT IS G.U.*

Also, INFECTION graphics = (oДOメ). Music's pretty.. WHOT, too. 8o

I don't know what I'm going to do after I finish it, though. I want MUTATION, OUTBREAK and QUARANTINE!!

the world is full of assholes, games, what is this fuckery?, asdfghjklolcapslock, .hack//infection, lol, blegh, friends, sug

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