The Power Of Your Words

Oct 09, 2008 20:37

I'm alive...!! Disappointed? ~Gods~, it's been so tiring lately! Sleep has been, like, totally gone from my schedule, so I've been trying to fix that... anyway, grades report?

Chemistry - 98 / A+ (totally unexpected. xD; Not this high, at least.)
Geometry - 97 / A+ (discontent... I don't fully accept this. x_x)
AP World History - 86 / B+ (didn't study xD)
Filipino - 84 / B- (didn't study either. A little sad, but what can you expect? 8o)
Adv Algebra - 97 / A+ (...darn. ._. my mistakes were dumb.)

B's don't look so bad, but numerically, and when they call them "(Moderately) Satisfactory"...they sound low. Yuck. Moving on. English test was a killer today.. Hate Macbeth. Then.. will have Chemistry and Geometry UT2s next week. And then...! 2ndQ Finals next next week. Haha...ha? ;_;

I dunnooooo, 2nd Quarter is just so.. lazy! Anything 2nd. I mean, if it weren't for my scholarship to Japan, I would have bombed my whole sophomore year. *already bombed freshman year* So I can't have it happen now! .-.

Anyway! Commence fandom talk. :3



and. WOW, LEECH PV? It's a little weird, and the dumb girl keeps hogging the screen, but the band shots were AMAZING, and the song... well, I'll learn to love it more, but it's AMAZING, too. 8) The video itself is very...deep. Very artistic. Good ol' GazettE! :D

In completely unrelated news, I bought boots. ROFL. On sale! With heels. I like heels, as long as I know I won't topple over easily... I have chocolate now, too, so I can work on art/fics efficiently over the weekend. :3 About time!

busy, orz, there's no such thing as tomorrow, the gazette, hoshit--hot men, jrock, megamasso, lol, blegh, grades, sleep is for chumps (like me), music releases!!, woe is me ;_;, writer's block, school

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