You're Not The Only One

Aug 16, 2008 23:17

Che, people. :|

Anyway, I'm in Baguio at the moment. xD shivering my butt off.

But there's suddenly like... so much to do here. Rappeling (I TOTALLY HAVE TO LOOK FOR THE PLACE WHERE THEY DO THAT OH GOSH, DO WANT), panning for gold (rofl, literally)... uh... horseback riding... rofl idk where to staaaarrrttt.

I do want another piercing though. I'll get one for myself. Hoho.

And. Dude, driving lessons. Dad said.
and all the lessons I wanna do.. he told me to write them down.
Then we'll ~*DO THEM*~


Being 16 is gonna be so fucking awesome. 8|

and btw, we have a new car .___. ain't that sweet. goodbye to the two old ones, though.

busy, lol, yaaaay~ :d, the world is full of assholes, asdfghjklolcapslock, birthday

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