Title: Instinct Blues (Part Two of Four: To Err is Human)
Author: Wynn
Fandom: Avengers Movie!verse; spoilers for all Avengers just to be safe
Characters: Loki, Natasha Romanov, Thor, Steve Rogers, briefly Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner.
Pairings: Natasha/Loki
Rating/Warnings: Rated R/M in later parts for adult concepts, adult language, sexual situations
Summary: The first thing that Loki notices about his human form is his penis. In punishment for his crimes, Odin transforms Loki into a human and sends him to Stark Tower. There, he discovers that Natasha will be his handler, a development that sends his new mortal form and its insistent hormones into a frenzy. Which, of course, Natasha notices and exploits. Based off a prompt at AvengerKink.
Part One: An Apple a Day:
HerePart Two: To Err is Human: