The Week In Review...

Aug 21, 2004 12:45

Last Sat: Luis me and two of his other friends went tubing. It was alright the work friend and me got along well. but Ken his other friend i dont think he liked me. besides him not bothering to ever talk to me he scowled at me when i was exhausted herding the drunk people into staying together on the river and so i had my arm slumped in/on luis's tube nothin was happening i was too tired to get bak on my tube hell even in it so i hung onto his and mine. then when i got tired of it i did my best even tho i was tired to get bak into my tube which wasnt graceful at all. the return trip everyone was tired so no talking was goin on.

Monday: i told luis that i was in love w him. he was feelin a lil akward abo it as i thought he would, but he didnt run from it as i thought he would. tho i spent 6 hours before that walking around and prepairing for the worst case scenerio. didnt happen first he said that i was a friend and he doesnt date friends. then much later in the conversation he stated that if i wasnt a friend he would have dated me but since i am a friend he wont. this comin from a guy that has 4 or 5 close friends and i am well atleast partially in that group. i can understand while i want to date him and sex him up everynight for the rest of his life chances of the latter happening r slim so i would prob loose him as a friend bc he has a history of cheating on bfs. so while it hurt for a while i accept it and it forced me out from my quiet life and i am actively looking for a bf.

Wed. FIRST DAY OF CLASS. yeah it was borin and now i have to read and do an assignment. i spent some of the class time on neopets (we r in a puter lab which makes sense for education and tech class). and the gal that sat by me hasnt seen neopets since it first came out so i got her bak into it. Naughty me.

fri. i been meeting guys online all week and got good resp w my new face pic so i guess that proves me wrong at my thinking that i am ugly as all hell and proves luis right that he says i am handsome and desireable. i admitted this to him but added but i am not handsome enough to have my very own stalker (old joke/conversation). and i was to meet someone for coffee but it fell through when the guy he was expecting to flake on a date didnt so that left me out in the cold which means if i ask this guy out i have to make VERY sure of the schedualing.

sat. CLASS THIS MORNIN only 4 3 weeks thank the gods but its alot to do in this time. for one credit UNREAL! luis has alot to do today so i let him off the hook of us hanging out eh we will do it someother week. and if another guy (eddie) comes on tonight i will see if he wants to hang. we have alot of similar interests and r very compatable sexually so we will see abo that. other than that excersise awaits me tonight.

plans for sun. well so far not too much cept i am goin to an old friends house to watch a movie and from there we will see. this friend had the hots for me and i am extra horny so u can guess where my face will b all night.

and thats the week in review =-P
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