Aug 27, 2011 09:49
In a few more days. Rough drafts are due in a few more days.
By the end of the 31st at the latest please send me a copy of your draft. You can reach me at my personal e-mail; dalyceschwarz [at] (sorry for the long e-mail address). I ask that all e-mails have 'Big Bang Rough Draft' as the subject line and have your fic as a .doc attachment. If you don't use Microsoft programs just attach a compatable file type like a text document.
In the body of your e-mail please include your lj name (so I know who you are XD) and following details for your fic;
Title (if you have one)
Any Pairings (if applicable)
Rating (Kid through Mature)
Brief Summary (no more than a small paragraph, about six sentences or so).
That info will be used for the artist sign ups, see that post for details.
A final note, rough drafts do not, I repeat, do NOT need to be 10,000 words. Your rough draft should ideally be a complete story with beginning, middle and end. That's the goal at this stage of the Big Bang. If you haven't had a chance to finish your draft then a very (and I mean EXTREMELY) detailed outline will do. However be advised that outlines are obviously not sufficient for beta readers so make sure you have a full draft for your betas.
That's all the details I can think of, if there are any questions post them below or message me and I'll address them. Thank you all and I'm glad everyone (from all I've heard) is having such a blast.
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