Every fic which has been sent for this round of the Avatar Mini-Bang has now been posted!
Thank you everyone for your hard work in making this so enjoyable and such a success!!! This means that authors are free to post their fic in their journals/archives and go forth. Fly free, my little birdies! Fly!
Onto news about round 2 of the Avatar Big Bang
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I looked in the archive but I could not find the specifics.
It's great to see so many people interested in keeping the fest alive :D
Fests are quite a bit of work and I appreciate all the hard work the mods put into this so far. *tip of the hat*
Which brings me to my main point: Unless someone has insane amounts of free time and stress resistance and 100% glitch free internet, this is not a one-mod job.
I am not trying to assume command or anything, but from my experience a mod team of at least three people works best. I've co-modded several HP related fests and this format has worked well for us in the past.
Things that need doing:
1. Making sure the fics come in and have the right format to work on LJ, or upload them to external hosting if they are too big (LJ has a word max).
2. Posting order (a nice mix of all pairings and ratings). This can take quite some effort. What got submitted needs to be kept track of etc.
3. Someone to give the fics a last once-over before posting to make sure code errors etc are fixed.
4. Posting in and of itself. (From my experience this works best as a shared duty, since not everyone has time/net every day of the week.)
5. Dealing with complaints/wank etc. (Hopefully something we won’t need.)
6. Cheerleading and promoting. People need to know how awesome this fest is :P
So what I am proposing is:
I am willing to do keep track on what has been submitted and what is still outstanding, as well as posting and (if needed) off-LJ hosting, since I have my own website. If need be I can help with LJ coding, too.
Which one of the aforementioned duties do you think you can handle/have time for?
It would be great if we could find someone for each part, but if not I am sure we can work something out to make it work.
Hope this all works out :D Go AVATAR BIG BANG!
1.Making sure the fics come in? Yes. Format? Not so much, see above.
2)Tracking submissions yes, and posting order absolutely. I'm the personality type who would make a spreadsheet of all the fics, arranged and cross-referenced by pairing, rating, theme, etc.
3)Code errors? Again, see my first comments.
4)Posting yes, I'm online the same time every weekday night, and pretty much all day on the weekends.
5)Dealing with concerns I could definitely handle, but yes, hopefully it won't be needed.
6)And I would love to cheer people on, I frequently do that with fellow authors in real life and on AIM already, so this would be an extension of that.
Thoughts on this? Please let me know.
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