Mar 29, 2011 19:03
Every fic which has been sent for this round of the Avatar Mini-Bang has now been posted!
Thank you everyone for your hard work in making this so enjoyable and such a success!!! This means that authors are free to post their fic in their journals/archives and go forth. Fly free, my little birdies! Fly!
Onto news about round 2 of the Avatar Big Bang:
Unfortunately I no longer have the time or the energy to fully commit myself to making a round 2 as great as it could be. At this point I would like to ask if there is anyone else who would be interested in becoming the owner with all of the rights/responsibilities included. I'm not gonna lie: it's a lot of hard work, but it's also a lot of fun and I think this fandom would continue to benefit with an influx of Big Bang stories and art.
If you're interested please comment below and talk among yourselves. I'd rather take a back seat and not have a say in who gets the comm next, but I can easily open up a poll if requested.
It's been a great ride, guys. Thank you for allowing me to host this for you. I look forward to whatever is to come. :)
~ Avocado Love
Edit: To clarify, I'm looking to permanently transfer ownership to the interested person(s).