Feb 14, 2010 15:22
Dear M. Night Shyamalan,
Thank you so much for what you did to the Avatar: The Last Airbender franchise. I truly appreciate you taking an already awesome TV show, and rewriting it the way you see fit, instead of just leaving it the heck alone and going on the story that Mike and Bryan created.
I know you said that watching the show became a family event in your house, but are you quite sure you even paid attention?! Since when did Aang get a stupid cross-like thingy on his back?! No, I have nothing against crosses, but now probably a LOT of Christian people are going to be calling the movie and/or the character Aang blasphemous. Thank you so much for that.
And what is with the racist casting of the movie?? I do believe that the everything in the show, including characters, were strongly Asian inspired. So it would make sense that the CAST also be all, mostly, or at the very least HALF Asian.
What the heck is up with Aang being all serious and EMO looking?! NO 12 year old child, especially male, the universal embodiment, or not, is going to be that serious. Especially in the avatarverse when that child is an Airbender.
I doubt this movie will be worth the money it takes to put gas in the vehicle to drive to the theatre. If the movie turns out it's made of FAIL, well, you know why. You'll only have yourself to blame.
A true Avatar: The Last Airbender fan.
the last airbender,
m. night shyamalan,