Ahoy! I'm Admiral Zhao! |D

Aug 23, 2009 22:49

Name: Catherine
Age: 20
Likes: Anime, manga, video games, reading, music, fanfiction, writing, Japanese culture, mythology, daemonism, Dragons, collecting Pokemon merchandise (Espeon and the legendary Beast trio especially)
Dislikes: prejudice, stupidity, homophobia, bad -isms of any kind
Strengths: Music (clarinet and vocal soprano), Academics (particularly mathematics), picking up the basics of foreign languages
Weaknesses: procrastination, laziness, withdrawn
What compliments do you frequently receive?: friendly, interesting, intelligent
Please post the links to three recent applications you've voted on:

Leader or Follower?: I prefer independent, but I can be a leader when no one else wants to.
Idealist or Realist?: Realist
Lover or Fighter?: Lover, but I will fight to the death for something I believe in
Cautious or Impulsive?: Very much impulsive. XD
Mature or Immature?: I've been told I'm immature by my family due to my love of anime, comics, video games, etc, but when I talk to friends online, they think I'm older than I am because of my intelligence and my sometimes jaded way of looking at things (particularly in fandom). I don't really know, tbh. :/
Forgiving or Grudge holding?: GRUDGE HOLDING. There's a reason it's been 8 years and my brother still is not allowed to touch my pokemon stuff. *SNARL*
Optimist, Pessimist, or Realist?: Realist.

Favourite Avatar character and why: It's a toss up between Zuko and Katara. Zuko is more because of his complex character, especially in how he grows throughout the series and how I loved watching that as the series progressed. Katara is out of how I want to be. I want to be strong as her in fighting for what I believe in and in how I protect the ones I care about.
Least Favourite Avatar character and why: I... don't really hate anyone all that much. Mai, I guess, but mostly because of how her character pretty much turned into "Zuko's girlfriend" in the third season. *sigh*
Favourite Avatar episode and why: Can the final Agni Kai be considered an episode? Because I can't think past that. XD
Do you see yourself as a Firebender, Waterbender, Earthbender or Airbender and why: Hm, I think either a waterbender or an airbender. Probably more waterbender because I've been told I can adapt easily to situations (case in point: my shitty roommate last fall semester), but can be very cold if the situation arises.
If you could have one character as your teacher, who would it be and why?: OH JEEZ, um... Probably Zuko because I understand the need to drill to get what I need to master.
You're going to fight your most powerful enemy tomorrow. What do you spend the day doing?: Training so I can best them in either intelligence or brute strength.
While on an important task, you come across a stranger being attacked by a group of enemy benders. You...: Step in and get the enemy benders to back off. *SNARL*


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