what a day, what a day, what a mighty fine day!

Jul 10, 2013 14:43

So today I got to go flying with my old soaring mentor. We just went to a local park and flew small stuff, but that added to the charm. Randy, my old soaring mentor is a noobie with electric radio control models. He's been flying r/c sailplanes for many years and U-control models for almost as long. But powered flight is different from propulsion less flight and you basically have to start over. So for me it's a big deal to be able to mentor him. Great payback for me.

So we flew for close to four hours and had a great time. Even meeting some local softball folks who came out to practice. We shared the field and they enjoyed the "airshow".
It's a rare thing for ball players and modelers to share a field and get along, normally they are natural enemies. Think about it balls popping into your airspace and folks running through your take off or landing aproach. Usually not good but today everybody was happy to share.

When the winds came up and our tiny models were getting tossed around we decided to quit and go home so I came home put mm y toys away and cooked lunch for kte and myself.

Next is clean up a bit and get started o. Dinner pRty bits. It is Wednesday. After all, group night and most of tge. Usual crowd will be here and a guest from far awsy I've never met too.
I'm making dancing chicken, broccolette, and a noodely thing of some sort and even a blueberry grunt gor afters. Oh and as an apatizer rosemary bread with smoked salmon and triple cream brie. Not too shabby for poor folks eh?
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