Travel snews...

Jun 21, 2013 09:24

So it took longer to load the van than I hoped it would, but not longer than I figured. I got almost everything I wanted in, but had to leave couple of planes behind, so I've only got thirty planes with me. Sounds like a lot? Why yes, yes it is. But I'm here for a week or more ad wanted to be sure and cover all the bases. Anyway I got loaded, gassed up and did the last of the bank stuff and on the highway by eleven. Not so bad really.

The drive south was fine, the long slow straight line I-5 drive. I hate I-5 but it's three hours less driving than the far nicer 101 and I wasn't sure how long I could deal with the seat and the concentration needed to drive safely. I now know my limits and it's this drive. I was worn out, beat by the time I got here. But I had no trouble finding the field and then friend John's house. Lost somewhere in the 'burbs of LA about four miles from Appo;;o eleven model airfield.

Today is all about off loading the bus, personal gear, clothes, sleeping bits, all that boring personal stuff and then reloading the models and ground support so I have easy access at the fly-in this weekend.

It's good to see my old friend again, we sat up till the wee hours getting caught up and rambling on about life, the universe, and everything...
This morning I got up at my usual time, did my morning rituals and checked out the area. Warn, well damned hot already and it's only nine am. Clear blue skies and dead calm. Yea me.
I'm s'posed to go with
John to help [pick up a coule of new models and check out a few hobby shops (gotta love a different hobby shop!) and then its back here for me as he goes off to do a "shoot" at his kinky porn studio. He's having a big party there tonight and I'm honestly hoping to miss it so I can get some sleep and better enjoy the fly-in.

So that's it for now, safe uneventful drive down here, meeting up with long lost friends and too little sleep.

Oh and we may have a name for The Bus With No Name. Are you ready? Ok, her name may just be Myrtle T.(for "The") Turtle.
Let me know what y'all think anout it. The bus seems to respond favorably to the name, the wife likes it, KTE and KTY haven't clocked in on it yet, so it may just stick. Cool enough...
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