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Your Global Warming Factoid of the Day is brought to you by Al Gore!
It amazes me (and I have said this before) how many people still thing the concept of Global Warming is some extreme liberal hoax being thrust upon us by the environmentalists. It is sad! Global warming, or global climate change as I prefer to call it, is a fact. There is a lot of evidence to support it.
We are going to start to try look at the mindset of the people who believe that this is all some elaborate hoax. I think it is important that we understand it if we are going to make any kind of headway. Because unless we get everyone onboard we run the risk of not being able to make the necessary changes in time and we do need to change in order to ensure the survival of our species. We must change and adapt or run the risk of dying out.
Now that I have offered up my own alarmist view I feel the need to be fair. There is a lot of things about Global Climate Change that we have no control over. It is, after all a natural part of the planetary systems that operate on this planet. I keep repeating this because it is one of the chief arguments used by conservatives who believe Al Gore and anyone else concerned about global warming is an alarmist or fraud.
But what these people keep forgetting - but I won’t forget to harp on - is that human beings play a role in the global warming. We are polluting our air, our water and even our food. We can’t continue to create toxic situations and expect that nothing adverse will happen.
Manmade green house gas emissions are playing a role in hastening the process of global climate change and we must seek to reduce these emissions dramatically or we will pay a heavy price. It is a common sense fact that human beings need clean air and clean water to stay alive and healthy.
Americans need to review their use of their cars as they are the chief source of green house gas emissions in this country and it makes the United States the number one culprit of green house gas pollution in the world. Granted China, India and other third world countries whose emerging economies are sucking up the manufacturing jobs that we have lost are quickly nipping at our heals and competing for this rather ignoble distinction.
But we can’t hope to influence the policies of these other countries until we exact change here in our own country. Another fact that the global warming debunkers need to consider is that scientists are able to measure our contribution of green house gasses through
ice cores sampled from the Antarctic. We are able to clearly see an increase from the beginning of the so called industrial revolution to the present day.
Whether or not you want to take global climate change seriously hopefully you can at least agree that cleaner air and water is better for us and that making changes in those directions is common sense.
So what can each individual do to help reduce their personal contribution to green house gas emissions?
- Determine your personal carbon footprint and plant trees in your area to help offset that
- Reduce the use of electrical appliances
- Swap out your light bulbs for more energy efficient / low energy bulbs
- Try converting your car to biodiesal
- Walk, ride your bike or take public transportation more
- Recycle aluminum cans (better yet…what comes in aluminum cans? Soda Pop! Give it up…it’s better for your health…but if you can’t recycle)
- If you are overweight…get healthy and fit. You will use less fuel
- Use less prepackaged food items
- Buy certified organic vegetables.
True or False: The Pentagon commissioned a study to ascertain the potential effects of Global Warming and has since classified it as a threat to national security?