Jul 11, 2004 12:19
Yesterday was good. Spent the afternoon reading manga at borders, and had a nice lunch at Tri-County. The concert was awesome! I got a call from Mai saying she'd be late, and well....in the process of doing stuff, so was I ^^;; I ran over to Bogarts after getting a call from Myrna, and after catching up, we hurried into the hall. We chatted for a bit before I decided to check outside and...SCORE! I found Mai!.....Or rather, I had to drag Mai in after she was COMPLETELY oblivious to me! XD
The concert started, and as groups go, Reel Big Fish went up first and I have to say, it was the best performance I've seen in a LONG while. They rocked hard. We found Corey buring one of their numbers, and they were followed by Suburban Legends, a group out of Chicago who I'd never head of, but were really nice. They had a interesting mix of Ska, Reggae, and this trippy slow sort of ska. Was awesome to dance to. RX Bandits started out pretty well....but they just REALLY REDUNDANT. They had songs that went on for like, ten minutes at a time!
*Sighs* Unfortunately, I handn't planned things as well as I though I had, and I had to leave just as Reel Big Fish came back on. Exams and such. Goodbyes were said, walking back home and prep was done. I succumbed to a combination of euphoria withdrawal and physical exhaustion and retired to bed.
On a wrap up note, Dear Concert Ladies: My ass is my ass. My ass being my ass, is mutually exclusive to my ass being your ass.
MINE! Hands off, biznatches!!!!!
Dear Concert men: My arm is, under no circumstances your ashtray, YOU MORONS!!!!
Today was the first time in a LONG while I actually had to WORK at a job.
How Dare They?!
Make me work for my pay, will you?! I'll show you!!!!!
Not just that, these were the pickist set of professors in the WORLD "No, sorry, this button is 5 pixels off." "No, No, cycle through more shades of red" "Redo, Redo..." Brargh!!!! Seven hours in a chair in a graphics lab is no fun AT ALL. I surmised that since they were a set of muslim professors, I'd probably be able to have a little break during Jumaa (Friday prayers) which, for those of Christian persuasion, are akin to sunday church prayers.
Little did I know they considered it their moral duty to make sure I came along.... -.-;;
Dont get me wrong! I dont mind going to the mosque, its just that I consider one's faith a personal matter, and I. Just. Can't deal with the "Holier than thou" attitude that's so prevalent around religious institutions.
Apparently, Prof. Abdallah was really impressed with my work, and he invited me over for lunch, and it was at that point when I realized what I'd been missing all this while.
A Good GOOD home-cooked Middle Easter meal.
Fresh Hummus? Felafel? Hot, Spicy Shuwarma with meat that practically dissolved in your mouth? Baklava? Turkish Coffee (with Italian roast, no less!)?
Cloud 9 baby, Cloud 9.
I got back to the university, wrapped up work, updating my journal, and I'll be at animeUC till 11-12!
Take care guys! Have a great weekend!