So I was tapped for a good idea for a post today and decided to delve into the annals of history. For the record, the documents folder on my desktop shall now be referred to as that annals of history. Anyway, while poking around I came across our Vacation from '08. Our Primary destination was
the house on the rock which was a completely awesome and weird destination. I'd blog about that, but it was quite possibly the worse place in the world for taking pictures.
So instead I'm going to talk about our secondary destination which was the Star Was: where science meets imagination exhibit at the Science Museum of Minnesota. It featured presentations, activities and star wars props and costumes. Unfortunately it was also not great for taking pictures, but we did get some that are appropriate for sharing.
First off my favorite, the star destroyer:
The Star destroyer was always my favorite ship. When I saw that it was there I literally squealed with delight. I don't really have a solid reason as to why it's my favorite, but something about such a massive ship just appealed to me. Who could you engineer something so huge? Where could you build it? How much staffing do you need? The mind, it boggles. Not to mention that it's just so iconic. This is probably the nicest picture I took of any of the props, it's too bad that guy's head is in my shot. Though the exhibit hall was just crammed with people so it's a small miracle I got a shot with only one obvious person.
Next up we have the Millennium Falcon:
There were lots of ship props and we have lots of pictures, but we thought we should share this one because C'mon it's the millennium falcon. I really wish the corner of the glass case wasn't so obvious in this one, but it's otherwise a cool shot. I love how the light trails make it look like it really is flying. They were totally a mistake, but a great one.
Last a Model of Kashykk:
I do not have words for how badly I wanted to play with that model. I mean who could really look at that and NOT think to themselves, gee it would be fun to fill that with action figures. It was really cool and detailed. I was sad they didn't have more models on display. It was a traveling exhibit though and there really was a lot of awesome stuff so I can't really complain.
We took way more pictures than those three, but those came out the nicest. They're pretty old now, but I hope they can still be enjoyed.
The exhibit was really really interesting and I'd love to see it come back. Other than seeing all the cool props I loved the interactive stations for building a droid and a working land speeder maybe if it comes back Jen and I can find a less busy day to go (we went on opening day) and we can race our creations). We got admission into the science museum with our special admissions tickets and spent the whole day playing with exhibits which I'd be all too happy to have an excuse to do that again as well. My only complaint is that we paid for the special millennium falcon "ride", but didn't get our limited edition pins :(