So in my first post of the month I decided that doing NaBloWriMo was like a Tonberry, it looks harmless enough until it catches up with you. Today I think it's more like the Jumbo Cactuar from final fantasy VIII.
If you're unfamiliar with this suave fellow he was one of the secret summon creatures (called Guardian forces or GFs in hat game). I had to go to an isolated island and wait for him to pop up so I could beat him in to submission and use at my discresion to fill other enemy creatures with needles. A bit annoying, but I thought I was levled up enough to take him on without too many issues.
Half an hour of fighting later, he runs away from me. Now I knew going in that he could do that, he's just a big curly mustached catuar and that's what they do, they run. But F!@#$! after half hour, that's insane and rage inducing. So after that point I turned off the game and didn't touch it for days. When I came back to it, I just avoided the cactaur Sure he was in the desert, mocking me, laughing at my failure, but I just let him be. I had too many other things to attend to without enduring that again.
So you may be saying. "Stephanie, you totally suck at playing final fantasy, you should play other games. Additionally what does this have to do with your posts?"
Well, I do play lots of other games and I don't always suck at FF...just sometimes. The other part being that writing something relevant everyday is harder than I thought. I'm doing an OK job right now, but I'm sort of burned out from other things so it may just run away from me. If that happens, I'm just going to swear, ignore it and move on with my game.
But maybe I shouldn't be so negative. I should dig up my memory card, fly into that desert and show mean green Mr. Mustache who's really boss or I can fail miserably, but I won't know unless I try.
I seriously don't know how the novel writers do it. Trying to hit that word count everyday has got to be grueling.