
Dec 18, 2013 07:54

Today, I feel like an old woman. Didn't sleep well last night. Woke up well before I was supposed. Why? Because my body hurts. It's hard to sleep when your body is sending pain signals to your brain all night. I just got up, and I feel like I have been standing barefoot on a hard concrete floor all night while holding heavy textbooks in my dangling hands. Could be worse. Has been worse. And as I move around, some of the stiffness will depart. But, in the meantime, I don't sleep. I'm supposed to be on a medicine that will help far, it hasn't. What it DOES do, is make me "swoon" (my husbands word) every time I stand up. My vision darkens around the edges til it is just a little pinprick of sight, and my head goes all woozy....this lasts for a few seconds and then I'm fine again. And it happens every single time I stand from a laying or sitting position. Very annoying. Somehow think this medicine isn't cutting it. I'm not the swooning type and it annoys me greatly. But hey, at least I don't have a headache today.At least, not yet anyway. Never can tell when one will hit me. 
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