writer's block

Dec 20, 2014 23:04

Remember the time I used to write fanfiction? How I wish I could write as easily again. Granted, 15 y/o quality fanfiction can't be any good, but like why does writing things now feel like shitting bricks?? I'm applying to a total of 14 schools (or 15, if you count Yale-NUS since i'm using my application to Yale for that). Okay. I have already finished applying to 4 four schools and essay writing was painful. That leaves around 10 essays to write before the 1/1 deadline. Fuckity fuck.

Essay writing is painfully slow. Not only because it's hard to be completely personal - heck, if there is any good outcome from uni application, it is that I now have experience at reflecting on my past experiences - but I also have to be flawless at my writing style. Which I can't because I cannot get any words out. It feels like after A-levels I promptly dumped all of my writing skills like the way I said bye bye to econs.

Another part of essay writing is getting feedback. I know criticism is good and it helps you to improve, but I don't like putting myself out there. A praise is like a +1 but a piece of criticism is like a -10 feeling, you get what I mean?

I need another vacation.
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