Missed you all

Dec 19, 2014 13:00

Hi friends! It's been two years since I've actively used this account. I spent a massive amount of time looking through my old posts and deleting some of them. God was I embarrassing. I've retained some for sentimental value, but have placed them on private so that no poor soul would have to read the shit I used to write.

Over the past two years, I realised that I seem to have grown inwards rather than outwards. I kept everything that was going on in my life to myself and a handful of close friends. I don't know what to make of this distance. On one hand, I liked keeping things private. There wasn't any need for people to know everything. Besides, I didn't have the time to blog anyway. On the other hand, I also saw myself drifting away from old friends because we simply didn't keep up anymore. With uni coming, I don't know whether physical distance is going to erode more friendships. So I guess, that was what prompted me to revive my livejournal account. I'll probably put most posts on public mode now.

Tbh, I feel that livejournal has changed for me as well. Kpop fandom seems a bit dead here now, and I barely keep in touch with my fandom friends anymore. Sigh. 2012 was a great year. My music tastes have definitely changed now, but I occasionally indulge a little in kpop. You know, for old time's sake ;)

Several updates about what I've been doing in 2014:
1. I'm applying to US universities. Hopefully one of them will take pity on my asian soul. So far, I've received a rejection from Stanford. I cried for around 5 seconds because I was walking around in the getty center when that happened. I thought I would be more upset at this but I was surprisingly okay. I think the fact that the four other people in hc i applied with were also rejected. But hey, misery loves company. I'm applying to around 10 other schools, so this period is quite busy for me.
2. Went on a family vacation with 7 other family members to California! Got back on Tuesday. I have never been so glad to eat Chinese food. Maybe I'll elaborate on another post.
3. I got back into Pokemon. It happened around May when they announced the ORAS remake and wow did I miss the game so much. I'm currently watching the anime, as well as other cartoons like LOK and Gravity Falls.  Not sure why I'm not like other people of my age who watch dramas or fancy adult shows, but cartoons are really great imo.

You can listen to a playlist I've put together on 8tracks here!
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