Jul 04, 2006 14:33
I detest wearing shorts. Let's get that out in the open. I don't really have pretty legs, and right now they're covered in eczema scars. So I've tried to wear jeans for the most part. During the week, it's not really a problem, as I'm in an air-conditioned office for five hours. This is the subject of Mom's latest tirade: my phobia of bare legs. She keeps ranting about how I'll get heat stroke if I keep wearing pants all the time, how I'll never get a good tan, blah blah blah. She's more concerned with tanning than I'll ever be. I like being pale. Besides, the Accutane completely screwed up my skin permenantly. I burn if I go to the store without sunscreen. Swell, huh? That's one of my reasons for hating shorts. My other reasons are the obvious physical nasties on my legs. No one should look at my eczema. It's such a stupid skin condition.
We're supposed to go visit teh brother at work together today, as part of my parents' therapists' suggestion of more family time. *insert sarcasm* Great idea. Just what I love to do. Quality time with my family. Please. We're going to the zoo supposedly too. If I were ten again, this would be thrilling. Sadly, there's only so many times I can see the gazelles and zebras there without getting bored. The only cool animal there is the giant anteater. Methinks I need one of those for my ant-ridden bathroom.
I hate most major holidays, as they generally require a lot of time around my house. In the past, I haven't gotten a lot of crap about spending holidays over at friends' houses. Take last year's 4th of July. I spent the whole day over at Jess' house, watched fireworks with her family, and slept over. It was awesome, as her family is pretty normal. I think Mom's getting overly anxious about me moving out in less than two months. Dad is indifferent. Right now, I'm sensing he'd rather take Mom's side as she has a more explosive temper than I do. Blech. Band camp and the new school year in September is looking so good right now. That and the big 18 in August. Sweet freedom, here I come.