May 02, 2006 20:20
I just listened to a clip of Carlos Ruiz Zafón talking about his (fantastic!) novel The Shadow of the Wind, and he read a few paragraphs of the first chapter as well. In Spanish. Oh, God. Spanish must be the most beautiful language in the world. Oh wow. I keep forgetting how much I love listening to it, which is strange because for the past four years I have heard it spoken weekly in class (I'm going to miss that, if anything). But Carlos Ruiz Zafón! He has such a pleasant voice. Or maybe it's just the Spanish that makes the voice pleasant, hahah, I don't know. (No, he really has a pleasant voice).
I'm listening to Radio 1 right now, a Spanish radio channel that has a complete lack of music but a huge amount of discussion instead which I love listening to. Lovelovelove. That R totally kicks ass. I wish I could pronounce it as well as the Spaniards because oh.
I'm going to do something pathetic this Thursday, just because I can and because I'm really very pathetically pathetic. Mwha. Just.. one last time. Yes.
In the meantime, I'm going to make the umpteenth attempt to actually do something. My 8000-words paper must be finished this Friday. Le sigh. 4000 Words to go. Ahem.