Jun 25, 2006 22:28
I'm starting to pack for Spiritfire.
All campsite food is supposed to be stored in a latchable cooler... now, I'm not bringing anything that needs to be chilled (because that's a pain in the ass) but I am bringing a pretty substantial chunk of food....
Does anyone have a cooler like that that I could borrow from July 4th through 10th? Or even the morning of the 5th?
In other news, the choker I was wearing yesterday had some exposed wire around the back.. I hoped it wouldn't bother me, but I guess I was wrong.
I've also been thinking alot about "entitlement" lately. It drives me nuts when people act like the world owes them something. I'm a strong believe that The Universe doesn't owe us anything. Nor does it care about us...AT ALL. Which is really much more frightening even than believing that The Universe hates us.
But, nonetheless, I am continuously filled with righteous indignation that, despite the fact that I work hard and even have an OK income, I can't seem to save as much as I "should", get a house, and have enough money for my hobbies. And I'm REALLY pissed off that SAHM-hood seems to be decidedly outside of my grasp. I mean, I'm a hair's-breadth away from obnoxiously thrifty half the time! Not fair, man.
But isn't that just me thinking like I'm entiled to these things?
Ah well.. a dash hypocracy will keep me humble, or something...