Half way through the year, and...

Jun 25, 2006 12:45

Good morning, 2006! [01 January 2006|02:27pm]
In 2005 I moved twice, changed jobs twice, got married and bought a car. I resolve to do none of these things in 2006. Unless the job change is an upgrade. WEll.. maybe if the car was a prius and a really good deal.

I also started dancing again, got health insurance, increased my paycheck size, nurtured a social life and payed down some of my credit card debit (though that last one was a "just barely"). These things I resolve to keep up. Oh, and the being married bit.

What do I want for 2006?

-More of that damn credit card payed off.
-More savings in the bank.
-A more solid idea of where Pax and I will be living in The Future. (we're looking into cohousing. Anyone know anything about local cohousing?)
-To get healthier. Be tired less. Be allergic less.
-To have more time for artistic/craft pursuits.
-To dance and perform more.
-To decide on a Career Path. And get moving on the training for it. (likely canidates are "doula" or "elementary school teacher")

Happy New Year!

And now it's the end of the sixth month of 2006. I still have my car, my job, my health insurance, the dancing/art bits have picked up, the credit card is wiggling it's way down (as long as I pay off the bellydance stuff I keep putting on it). And I still have the Husband!

However, it looks like I'll be moving AGAIN next month. Which means that I'll have lived in FOUR different places in between my 28th and 29th birthdays. I'm having one hell of a Saturn return appearently. (and here's an interesting article about planetary returns , if you're curious) It looks like I'm finally getting to do alot of the things that I always wanted to, in my secretive heart of hearts.

Of course, why so much of everything has to happen in JULY is beyond me!

-First three weekends - a few days backup for a dance troupe. More costuming may be needed.
-5th-9th Spiritfire! Sad that some of my friends aren't going.. but I'm sure it'll be a great time anyhow.
-Mid-July to end of July - MOVING!
-Forming student troupe! (325$ caberet costume? I just don't know...)
-Allergist apointment around the 15th.. may lead to elimination diets, other needed lifestyle changes, etc.

All of these things are a little expensive, and I'm running a teensy bit over budget lately anyway. And all require ALOT of time and energy. But they're all good, I think. Or at least needed.

Ah well.. off to go... do some stuff, or something...

saturn return, bellydance, moving

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