Jun 28, 2006 20:29

Ok, I should go off the computer now to deal with said-flooding, but I couldn't help but notice Jenn's jensucks dungeon adventures so I had to try it out myself. I just got this...

You are in an enormous arena. The mosaic floor shows taylor hicks.
You quaff the potion marked 'LIBERTINE1977'. It tastes like luka kovac.

MMMMMMMMMMM - luka goodness!

I'll post the whole thing shortly...

Well, that was quick. Thanks, Andy :P I didn't even get a chance to worship my figurine of Ash. It's official... I suck.

I died in the Dungeon of Autumnfoxx

I was killed in a cobwebbed corridor by Andy2301 the giant spider, whilst carrying...

a Figurine of Shadow Diva, the Shield of Lovely Obsessed, the Amulet of Theresajean and 10 gold pieces.

Score: 42
Explore the Dungeon of Autumnfoxx and try to beat this score,
or enter your username to generate and explore your own dungeon...

*Sigh* Back to reality.
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