Jun 28, 2006 20:16
I'm one of the lucky folks who lives in the eastern part of the US and was hit by terrible flooding. As most of you may already know, my basement leaks. Well right now it's a friggin swimming pool.. for real. I'm in Pennsylvania, only a few short hours from Wilkesbarrel which was slammed and is making national news, and only thirty minutes away from the Susquehanna River. The house isn't under water (thank God), but the basement is such a mess it's scary. Because of this, I will not be online for awhile. I need to try and get this mess sorted out.
I hope everyone else on the east coast is ok. I know some places have their entire homes under water, and I'm grateful it hasn't come to that here. I doubt that it will since we don't live near any creeks or streams, but we can't afford to have the basement fixed so right now it's horrible. It's a lot to deal with, and I'm trying my best. I'll be back with icons as soon as I can be.