Feb 05, 2008 22:36
Can I just say that I am way more interested in/impressed by/passionate about/thankful for our peaceful democratic political process this year than ever before?
There is nothing like meeting someone who was imprisoned by the government of their home country and tortured for2 months because they said something about how maybe a 2 party system would be better for their political process in an English conversation class to make you grateful for what we have in the US. There is nothing like meeting a man whose house was burned to the ground by rioters after a fixed election to make months of talk about "hanging chads" sound like music to your ears.
I know that is a little extreme, a little like your mom saying "Eat your vegetables! Don't you know there are children starving all over the world, who would die to have YOUR vegetables!" I always wondered what she meant by that. As if me eating all my vegetables would be some inspiring act that would improve the living conditions of starving kids. I always wanted to respond, "Let's mail the broccoli to the starving children then!"
But now I think I get it. It wasn't eating the vegetables that was important. It was not taking them for granted. Not just thoughtlessly throwing them away.
So when it comes to our political process, don't throw it away. You don't have to eat up every last be of it, but if you wanted to, you could. And if you have something to complain about, complain! and be glad that as you complain, you need not worry about rebels or the government breaking into your house and beating you up. That would really suck.