I did it. 8k. 5 miles. Whatever you want to call it.
I never walked, not once, though i did stop a couple of times to wait for some of my peeps. My time was...well...dreadful. But i'm totally fine with that because my goal was to run the whole way, regardless of speed. Besides, the time doesn't take into account the cartwheels that i did along the route, the impromptu swing dance lesson i taught when we were stuck behind the bridge, and the swing that i absolutely had to swing on. Besides, when one runs 5 miles in a purple tutu and striped leg-warmers one doesn't expect a particularly speedy time.
It was fun. I'm proud of myself for running 5 miles, almost ridiculously so. And i'm going to try for
10k at the end of the summer , just to see if i can. I'm also going to try to do the
Firecracker Run , a midnight 5k on July 4th. I think this might make me officially a "runner" which is never something that i set out to be. Huh, funny how life does that to you, isn't it?