I watched the dawn this morning, watched as the black starry sky faded to pale blue beyond the leaves of the trees outside my window. Going outside, I watched the morning fog gather and drift towards me, silently inching closer. I love the hush of the fog...
I got to watch the dawn because I'd been awake all night. Went out with friends to see Star Wars III at the midnight showing, and then came home and called
faeryshaman, a very dear friend who lives very, very far away. I'd never talked to her on the phone before, never heard her voice. Not being good on the phone, I worried that I wouldn't be able to find the words, or that I would stumble over the ones I did find to say. We ended up being on the phone for almost two and a half hours and talked about everything from our life's dreams to our current wall adornments. It was intensely wonderful...
As the day blossomed to brightness, I also got to have a long talk with
pandara. Unfortunately she has been the one to bear the greatest brunt of the mood I've been in this past week or so. We talked about the distance that seems to have creeped in between us, the places our other loves have in our lives, our worries and desires for the future. I think we came to an understanding of some of the changes we need to make in order to be truely happy and eventually turn our dreams into reality...
I am so very blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. I am so very blessed to have the love that I am surrounded with. I am so very blessed by the sheer beauty of existence in all its wonder and heartbreak and splendour and sadness and joy!