(no subject)

Nov 09, 2009 20:10

...It's been a while, hasn't it.

I don't even remember the last thing I wrote. I think something I wrote on one of my low days. It's so nice not to have them anymore, even if for the simple fact that I am TOO BUSY to have low days.

School's a bitch. But it's a fun bitch, and despite being chewed on, stepping in urine and feces on a nigh-regular basis, studying so much that I see things and say words related to A&P in my sleep, I'm growing to love what I'm doing more and more. I KNOW things now. I can feel myself learning, and it's amazing what I'm absorbing purely through osmosis. I got a 20 out of 20 on my last medical terminology quiz, and I know what an intravenous pyelogram is. I can tell you the cycle a dairy cow goes through (45-90 days of sexual rest, breeding at 3 months, milking for 7, and then dry penning for two thn the process starts over, for those who care to know,) and I can identify at least 7 breeds of beef cattle, 7 breeds of sheep, and 4 breeds of goats. This does cause me to have headaches from thinking so hard, but it's great to have a challenge.

School's also made me realize what well-behaved, disciplined and somewhat neglected animals I have. My poor dog just doesn't get enough attention despite being the sweet dog he is. I've started paying more attention to him, and he just soaks it up like a sponge. The cat is annoying, but he's always been that way.

For those who don't know, I met a boy at Kumoricon. I suppose I can't call him a boy, since he's not, but "man" just brings to mind a wolverine-esque mental image. Anyway, his name is Drew, and he is... amazing. I really have no other word for it besides that. We're partners and friends, and though we both have our problems with life, we try our best not to let those things get in the way. I end up laughing that sort of laugh that makes your stomach hurt afterward at least once every time I see him. I think we're good for each other.

I feel slightly bad, because between wanting to spend time with Drew and school, my online life has suffered a bit. I'm afraid I've somehow offended at least one person, and I don't like that it's somewhat strained between us. I miss everyone, but when I'm at home, now all I want to do is catch up on sleep, or I've got homework I need to do. I can't much talk about pokemon anyway, since I don't have a DS or the latest pokemon game. maybe I'll get my gameboy SP out and go old school XD. I'm worried about some of my friends, and the choices they're making, and I marvel at how amazingly stupid some incredibly smart people can be. I miss AF, but after the summer fiasco, I'm finding it just as hard to continue as then. I really don't want to give up, or even take a hiatus, but it just seems like work. Which, I suppose it is. I miss it being fun though, and I miss having ideas. Maybe I just have too many characters? I don't know, whatever the case, I'm sorry all you AF-peeps who read this. I'll try to make it up to you on my breaks. Especially you, Saki-chan, you work so hard!

I'm gonna wrap this up now and go do my homework for tomorrow. Daily duties and horse enrichment mean I'll have no time before class. Boo.

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