Jun 19, 2007 18:36
Title: My Fair Faithy
(Based on My Fair Lady, the Musical) (Got the idea from a spoiler for 5th comic)
“Now, Faith, we are going to try this one more time.”
“Mnnnt thnnmm hellllmmnn! Gilmmms, immmnnn smmm!”
“What did you say? Sorry, couldn’t understand.”
Faith spits out the marbles Giles had forced into her mouth. "I SAID I’m gonna kick your uptight British a…."
“That’s exactly why we’re here Faith. Because you cannot speak eloquently.” Giles interrupts.
“But this is torture G! And not the fun kind where you’re all chained and…”
Giles cuts her off again, “Again with the language! My GOD girl, will you ever learn? We don’t have much time! Now let us try this again. Put those marbles back in. Now, as we practiced….”
“The rain in Spain falls gently on the plain.” Faith mumbles.
“The raaiin in Spaiinn falls gently on the plaiiinn.” Faith still mumbles, just longer this time.
“Faith, are you trying to give me a hard time?”
“Gosh, no Mr. Boss Man. Why ever would you think that?” Faith replies, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“I hope you know that this is for your own good.”
“Since when it torture for my own good?”
“You cannot go into this situation unprepared, don’t you see that? This is crucial. Now, are you ready?”
“Okay. What the hell, right? Lets just get her done.”
Faith hears the announcer call her name, “Presenting…. Faith Woods.”
Faith walks out in a white, frilly, ballroom gown, and a wide-brimmed hat, making her a striking resemblance to Audrey Hepburn.
“I’m a girl who loves leather, and is wearing a dress. This rouge slayer better be damn important.”
my fair lady