Oct 21, 2011 14:39

Rules,OOC=!IC and ICA=ICC?
OOC=!IC is basically a reminder not to take knowledge gained Out Of Character and use it In Character. It also means don't take grudges or OOC rifts and play them out IC or transversely don't take things that happen IC personally. We're playing characters, our characters are not us.

ICA=ICC is In Character Actions equal In Character Consequences. Don't think your character can do something like start a riot, steal food or something else and get awat scott free. If the guards see this then they'll be put in solitary. Be ready to accept the repercussions of your actions.

Godmoding is a nono!
This should be pretty obvious by now, but it doesn't hurt to reaffirm. Do not decide other player's character's actions without THEIR PERMISSION. The first time will be a warning, but the second is likely to get you removed from the game.

Death and Murder?
While we CAN bring a character back to life (in a manner of speaking) when they die in game we would advise against abusing the ability. For the first month the game is open, however, we're not permitting any character death in order to make the transition into game easier on all the players.

Killing another character, with the other players permission is acceptable however don't forget that your character will suffer the consequences of such actions.

Sex in Prison
While this is not a smut-game, sex based logs are allowed. However those must be members only locked and labeled with adequate warnings. While sex does happen in prisons, remember that this is a psychological game, so having two characters run off to smut at every chance is frowned upon. However, smut for the advance of a story or character development is allowed.

Remain Moderately Active
While we don't currently have an activity check, we would like the players to remain active in the game and will implement one if character squatting becomes evident. If you are inactive for more than two weeks without a hiatus notice then we will PM the journal you have friended the game with, if there is no reply within a week than you will be removed from the game.

If something dire happens RL and you're unable to put up a notice, a fellow player can do it for you, but excessive amounts of time are still not allowed. If you don't know anyone else in the game and are dropped due to inactivity you're welcome to reapply for the character.

Have Fun
This rule is not optional. We want the playerbase to enjoy the game and the people they play with. If you're having a problem with anyone in game, the mods, or perhaps just have some suggestions PLEASE contact any of the moderators and we will respond accordingly ASAP.



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Rules & F.A.Q. 


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