Nov 02, 2010 22:51
So Halloween always get that personal or were they trying to prove that they know everything about us in the span of a week? Honestly if the buggers wanted to know they could've just asked. Guess I'll give them props for the costumes. [ He totally burnt his the moment it didn't appear back on him. ]
Speaking of, incoming newbies haven't arrived for awhile have they? Been thinking...[ this is always a bad sign, yes. ] should play a little game with it. Unless you lightweights can't handle it of course. [ He has to mention this because you people are damn stiff. Though after Halloween a drinking game might be welcomed. ] Every time a person asks over the journals if this is the underworld, heaven, hell etcetera take a shot.
Castiel you're on my team. [ YOU HAVE NO SAY IN THIS! DEAL WITH IT! ]
sup luceti,
he doesn't need his liver,
he's really bored,
making fun of ic things icly whut