For Him

Jun 23, 2012 05:39

My brain won't quit...
Title:  Laying Claim pt. 2 - For Him
Rating:  K
Fandom:  Final Fantasy VII Compilations
Pairing(s):  One sided Sephiroth/Cloud and one sided Cloud/Zack
Summary:  Sephiroth thinks about all the people's lives that Cloud has touched.  Time Fic.

It wasn’t easy, sharing the man that he loved so deeply.  Cloud’s good deeds created a network of people that admired and adored the blonde.

There was the black man in North Corel, he was loud and crude; but also kind in his own way.  He would often treat the blonde to drinks when he visited.  Everyone in North Corel seemed to love Cloud, because the man had taken down Shin-Ra, and put a stop to the extremists within AVALANCHE.  The black man, Barret if he remembered correctly, had even given the blonde a nickname, ‘Spiky’.  He was friendly with the blonde, patting him on the back, throwing an arm over his shoulder as they walked, all in front of his wife; who didn’t seem to care one bit…

Then there was the creature in Cosmos Canyon, a red lion with a flaming tail.  He would rub his face against the blonde’s in a gesture of affection.  Cloud had done something for him, though Sephiroth had never figured out what.

Cid and Shera, who Sephiroth had known since he was a child.  Cloud had helped Cid build his airship, and forewarned him of events to come.  The pilot had doubted the blonde, but reconsidered for some reason.  Sephiroth remembered living with the foul mouthed man and Shera for most of his childhood, before moving to Gongaga.  Cid would always greet Cloud with a rowdy hello, and a cup of tea.  The two would talk for hours about mechanics and other things that didn’t interest the silver haired young man.  Shera would still dote over Sephiroth like he was a child, making him uncomfortable and fidgety.

The owner of the chocobo farm…  he seemed to be overly fond of the blonde, and would often spend hours watching the man tend to his chocobos.  Sephiroth had put a stop to that when he discovered the man staring at his guardian’s backside.

There was a girl and her family that lived in the Icicle Inn town.  Cloud often brought the girl flowers, she couldn’t be much older than Zack; she would blush and thank him quietly.  Her parents were very fond of the blonde, often asking if there was anything that they could do for him.  Sephiroth had gone along once, his presence had frightened the girl and her mother, and left the father speechless.  Cloud had later explained that the man, Professor Gast Faremis, had done research with Sephiroth’s late ‘father’; and contributed to the research that made up the silver haired young man’s DNA.  He had known that Sephiroth had lived, he had been at Shin-Ra during Cloud’s attack to rescue the boy, and was only spared because he was Aerith’s father.  He often thanked the blonde for freeing him from Shin-Ra’s shackles.  Ifalna, the mother, fussed over Cloud like a mother hen; often telling him to take better care of himself.

Then there was that woman and her bodyguard…  Lucrecia Crescent and Vincent Valentine.  Lucrecia had been the first woman that Sephiroth had met after he came into Cloud’s custody.  The silver haired boy had learned that the woman was his mother, and that she had been part of the project; willingly.  Cloud hadn’t given the woman the chance to take Sephiroth.  After letting her see the boy he had taken him to leave, while leaving he was confronted by a red eyed man.  A man that seemed to think that Lucrecia should be the one to take care of Sephiroth, Cloud outright told him ‘No.’ and breezed past him.  He had given the woman permission to visit the boy, and had given her his PHS number to keep in contact; that was as far as he had gone with her.  Vincent didn’t seem to mind Cloud much, respecting his decision to take the boy and raise him, but occasionally Sephiroth could see something in the man’s eyes when he would look at the blonde.  It was something dark and malicious.

The little girl in Wutia, who was grateful that a mako reactor would not be placed anywhere near her home.  She was young and often asked of the blonde’s adventures and of the materia that he had found in his travels.  Her father seemed just as grateful, welcoming the blonde and Sephiroth in with open arms when they visited.

Zack’s family had also welcomed them with open arms, the whole town had.  Another town grateful for the lack of a reactor.  Cloud had settled in a house just on the skirt of town where he had decided to raise Sephiroth alongside Zack.  Zack had feelings for Cloud that Sephiroth would not tolerate, and that Cloud was clueless about.  The boy adored the blonde, wanting to hear about everything and anything the blonde would tell him.

It was all so troublesome…  his guardian was so spread out between all the people that cared for him that Sephiroth feared there would be nothing left for himself.  But, little things reminded him that he was special to the man.  Forgetting to zip up his jacket when out in the cold, he would get a scolding and Cloud would zip him up;  Not taking his mako injection, Cloud would do it for him; all the while the blonde would smile a quiet smile and tease him by asking just how old he was.  Little things…  things that made him feel guilty…  guilty for enjoying the attention that the blonde would focus on him.

Sephiroth thought about all of this as he sat on his bed with his back against the wall, watching his guardian and savior sleep peacefully.  The blonde curled in on himself and groaned, in pain from his experimental mako injections… they didn’t know how much the man needed, and over the years they had yet to figure it out.  It always seemed to come up too short, but it was a once a month ritual, more time and they were bound to figure it out.

Sephiroth slid off of his bed and moved over to the blonde’s  bedside.  He knew that he couldn’t simply crawl into bed with the man anymore…  when he was a child it had been acceptable, but he was nearing his twenty-third birthday…  Instead of curling up with the man, he brushed his fingers through spiky blonde hair and felt the man’s sweating forehead.  The silver haired man stood up and made his way to their small kitchen to get a bowl and some water to help the blonde a little bit with his withdrawal.  Keeping him cooled down would help some, but there was only so much Sephiroth could do for the man who had done so much for him…

theme: time travel, theme: second chances, character: zack fair, warning: fluff, genre: time travel, genre: friendship, character: cloud strife, story: for him, character: sephiroth, fandom: ffvii compilations, genre: romance

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