Well, it's been a while since I've talked Harry Potter...

Sep 08, 2012 21:40

So, I have a Harry Potter confession to make - besides the fact that I'm still into the books and sometimes read/write fanfic. :P I don't know, once I like something it either goes away quickly or sticks forever. There doesn't seem to be much in between for whatever reason. There's still a part of me that loves books I read or shows I watched as a ( Read more... )

fandom, brooding dark creatures, buffyverse, harry potter

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nival_vixen September 13 2012, 10:58:07 UTC
No, it probably doesn't. I just like the show. ^_^

Ah yeah, I know that feeling. Not everyone I know likes the same things as me, so it's hard to geek out over them without getting a o_O type of response. Have you tried any LJ communities or fan sites? A lot now have Facebook pages too, so that might be something? :)

I'm fine with Buffy's character being a strong butt-kicking female, but on the other hand she's so emo and sappy and 'Angel, why won't you love me?!', and that makes me not want to watch the show for long periods of time. I like Willow and her character's development (I already know most of the things that happen to make her 'not nice'). The passive aggressive doesn't really bother me, but then there's also times where I just want to shake her and tell her to 'fess up already, because seriouslyyyyyyy, there is no one on the planet that doesn't know what she's feeling!!! Not that I like her with Xander anyway.
I'm actually looking forward to Willow being the bad guy, because I think it'll be so interesting to see how the characters all respond to her being the Big Bad this time around! :)


author_by_night September 13 2012, 11:49:11 UTC
Have you tried any LJ communities or fan sites? A lot now have Facebook pages too, so that might be something? :)

Yeah, but they actually seem to be just O_o about actual discussion these days, for whatever reason. I made the mistake of asking why there was no discussion at one, and the response was basically "um wtf would we talk about?" I find a lot of communities are much more based around the actors or whatnot, as opposed to being fannish. Even TV discussion posts will even be void of comments, or if it's a reaction post, nobody will say anything once the episode is over. Other places are so cynical, and I kind of get the feeling it's "cool" to hate all of the characters and stuff.

Yeah, Willow can act a little "me me me", too. But maybe it does help if you know what's going to happen beforehand - I can see if you're still used to Willow being relatively nicer compared to the rest of the characters (and really, she is) how her going evil would throw fans off. It's how I felt about certain characters in other stuff I'd followed all along until I sat back and went, "waiiit a minute, were they ever really that good/nice/calm/whatever?"


nival_vixen September 18 2012, 12:40:36 UTC
I made the mistake of asking why there was no discussion at one, and the response was basically "um wtf would we talk about?"
... Umm, I don't know... the show itself?! /sarcasm.
There's a difference between fangirling over actors and not being able to discuss the show. Doesn't really seem worth watching it if you can't even do that!!

Yeah, I suppose Willow can be that way. I'm still in the 'she's so nice' part of the series! XD But I could see how her going evil would definitely throw people off. I've read too many Willow/Spike fanfics, so I'm already seeing bits of her not being that good/nice/calm. I prefer it. Which is probably why I like Vamp!Willow in The Wish a heck of a lot! :D


author_by_night November 3 2012, 14:21:58 UTC
Late comment reply is late, but yeah, it was kind of a crazy comment. OTOH, if I'm going to be honest a lot of people at that comm really didn't seem exceptionally... insightful. In one episode a character was dating a married man, and at one point a woman had been watching them and ran off looking upset. Someone said, "I think that was his wife!" And that's not to say I had anything against that person, it may have even just been a blonde moment (to be fair I sometimes state the "no shitvious" myself), but it might have also been a sign that I wasn't ever going to really fit in. I mean, I'm the kind of person who would willingly search for depth in a Pepsi commercial.


nival_vixen November 4 2012, 00:33:48 UTC
That's all right. :)
I think people are getting dumber. I work in a library, and I swear the questions are getting even stupider every week. I had someone ask me where the books were. In a LIBRARY. *head!desk*
Uh, yeah, because that wasn't obvious. *rolls eyes*
Searching for depth in a Pepsi commercial sounds like fun, actually. Especially if it was a really ridiculous ad. XD


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