Well, it's been a while since I've talked Harry Potter...

Sep 08, 2012 21:40

So, I have a Harry Potter confession to make - besides the fact that I'm still into the books and sometimes read/write fanfic. :P I don't know, once I like something it either goes away quickly or sticks forever. There doesn't seem to be much in between for whatever reason. There's still a part of me that loves books I read or shows I watched as a kid. Fortunately including adult ones, like Keeping Up Appearances.

But back to Harry Potter. So, as some of you know, I used to be a huge Marauder/MWPP fan. I honestly fantasized about marrying teen!Remus Lupin. I read MWPP fic, read MWPP fic, used Kristen Bell's (I think that was her name) fanart as my vision for them, I RP'd Marauder stuff... looking back it was a little insane.

Now, however, even though I'm still interested in the individual characters... I have absolutely no desire to read anything Marauder related. I think some of it is that I just got tired of the same things over and over, some of it is that I realized they were basically effed up as hell... it's just interesting how that changed, even though a lot of things didn't.

Of course, some of it might be maturity, too. I think as a teenager/young person, I liked the idea of having a map of my school and friends who were there no matter what and stuff. And even though Marauder fics could be really dark, they were in some ways lighter than the books, because at that point they weren't directly fighting the forces of evil. Not that I liked all Marauder fics - a lot had OCs with Sirius or Remus that didn't feel either British or, well, even close to canon (some were well done, but others had names like Tiffany and wore American Eagle... yeah), but they were escapism, I guess.

I used to say I never wanted JK Rowling to write a book about them because they'd ruin so many fic ideas. :P Now I just don't care. I'd rather read about characters we never knew anything about, or the founding of Hogwarts, or something.

Right now I'm actually working on a fic, and Remus is a character. But it's post-MWPP era (literally right after the first war ends), and I'm trying to focus less on his MWPP days and more on the rest of his character. Plus, it's an ensemble, so he's not the only one. I tried writing him remembering his MWPP days though, and it was actually boring trying to. I think I may have fallen asleep.

As much as I hated Bye Bye Birdie with a passion (I watched the movie with a friend the other dayfor the first time, thinking if Mad Men referenced it it had to be somewhat good - I nearly threw up 87 different times from the overkill sweetness), perhaps it is a bit like the song at the very end. :P

The same is true of pairings, too. I used to be a huge Remus/Tonks shipper. Now... getting me to read a R/T fic is hard. I read a really good one a while back, but it took place during OoTP and had everything I originally loved about the ship. There was no "and also, I can kill you with my emo brain" wangst, no annoying "should I stay or leave" angst, etc etc. It was nice. Of course, that's the issue I've found I have with most Dark Creature/Normal(ish) Person pairings. It's like Buffy and Angel - I actually did like them until I realized how annoyingly EMO they are. God. Angel, stop moping around Buffy like a sad puppy and fight Wolfram and Hart or visit Lorne or something. After watching AtS, I can't take Angel in Buffy seriously anymore. He seems so misplaced. Maybe I'll call him McBroody when I rewatch.

I really need new fandoms.

fandom, brooding dark creatures, buffyverse, harry potter

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