YouTube and Podcasts

May 10, 2021 16:24

Do you have any channels you regularly watch on YouTube? & Do you listen to any podcasts?

I tend to listen to YouTube videos while I work from home and do chores, more than watch, so I'm lumping them together. I go in cycles.

YouTube: Lindsay Ellis, Sarah Z, Stephanie Harlowe (LOVING her Bonnie and Clyde videos), Crime After Crime, Telltale Atheist, Jimmy Snow, Dominic Syracuse, and I just discovered Nick Riamo (sp?) He does a lot of movie recaps, which I enjoy, especially because IMHO he does them right. They're not angry, in fact a lot of the time you can tell he kinda loves them, he just pokes fun at what's worth making fun of. It's not like other recappers who scream at the movies.

I also love Stuff You Missed In History Class.

Podcasts: Still Pretty (Buffy recaps), The Restricted Section (Harry Potter recaps), The Real Weird Sisters (was Harry Potter recaps, analysis now), Angel on Top (AtS recaps), and I listen to Family Ghosts on and off, but it's not updated regularly. It isn't a supernatural podcast, more about various family mysteries. "Every house is haunted."

I wish there were more book recap podcasts, or recap podcasts for older shows that aren't spoiler free. Any recs? I prefer ones that aren't spoiler free.
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