Apr 28, 2021 09:34
I shouldn't read Facebook in the morning. I am a fool. Brought to you by another slew of morons.
Do you hate cops?
I don't hate anyone on basis of existence. I wish I could say that was true of everyone. Unfortunately, it is not, and therein lies the problem.
So you think all cops are bad.
Every single police officer? No. I think there are good police officers. I also think it's fairly evident that there needs to be reform, because many bad cops have hurt and killed people. Too many.
What about veterans?
First I hated veterans because I didn't want kids to be kept in cages, now I hate veterans because I don't want POC to die during traffic stops, in bed, in their apartments and driveways. It's almost like you link national pride with violence towards people who don't look like you. Might want to think about that.
George Floyd was on drugs.
So it's okay to kill people who are on drugs? What about people with mental illnesses? Learning disabilities? Oh wait, nevermind, police have killed in those situations as well. Great.
Police officers see things you can't imagine.
So do doctors, nurses, firefighters, mental health professionals, social workers... I don't envy those jobs, I truly don't, but no one thinks policing is just being a school crossing guard.
I have a black nephew.
And you probably think your black nephew would never be "like" the other victims of police brutality. Why is that, truly?
Irish immigrants -
Okay, being of Irish descent myself, let me stop you right there. History has been terrible to a LOT of groups, yes. Including the Irish. Black Americans, however, were systematically oppressed in a way Irish Americans never were. "Irish need not apply" is terrible, but do you really think it's the same thing as your fourteen year old son being lynched while on vacation? Also, why aren't you using that rhetoric to defend immigrants who face prejudice now?
This is why I voted Trump.
That's not the argument you think it is.